
Below is a list of Dividend Stock Investing & Personal Finance blogs that I found throughout the community. I have gained a lot of inspiration and knowledge from some of these bloggers.

Dividend Stock Investing

  1. Accumulating Assets 
  2. A Christian Investor
  3. A Dividend Dream! 
  4. All About Interest
  5. American Dividend Dream
  6. Average Dividend Yield
  7. Balanced Dividends 
  8. Be Smart Rich
  9. Building Income Investments
  10. Canadian Dividend Investing
  11. Captain Dividend 
  12. Capturando Dividendos
  13. Compounding Income 
  14. Davids Financial Freedom Journey 
  15. Desidividend
  16. DivGro
  17. Dividendasaur
  18. Dividend Beginner
  19. Dividend Compounder
  20. Dividend Chimp
  21. Dividend Cultivator
  22. Dividend Daze 
  23. Dividend Diplomats 
  24. Dividend Developer
  25. Dividend Diatribes
  26. Dividend Digger
  27. Dividend Diversity
  28. Dividend Dolphin
  29. Dividend Dozer
  30. Dividend Dreamer  
  31. Dividend Driven
  32. Dividend Empire
  33. Dividend Earner
  34. Dividend Family Guy
  35. Dividend Farmer
  36. Dividend FIREman
  37. Dividend For Starters 
  38. Dividend Geek 
  39. Dividend Growth Center
  40. Dividend Growth Info 
  41. Dividend Growth Investor 
  42. Dividend Growth Machine 
  43. Dividend Growth Portfolio 
  44. Dividend Growth Stock Investing 
  45. Dividend Growth Stocks 
  46. Dividend Hawk
  47. Dividend Ladder 
  48. Dividend Life
  49. Dividend Lord 
  50. Dividend Miracle 
  51. Dividend Monk
  52. Dividend Power
  53. Dividend Pursuit 
  54. Dividend Quest
  55. Dividend Reaper 
  56. Dividend Rider 
  57. Dividend Road
  58. Dividend Seedling 
  59. Dividend SWAN
  60. Dividend Ten
  61. DividendTIME 
  62. Dividend Vet
  63. Dividend Wisp
  64. Dividend Yield - Stock, Capital, Investment
  65. Dividends and Hobbies
  66. Dividends 4 Future 
  67. Dividends 4 Life
  68. Dividends Are Coming
  69. Dividends In Hand
  70. Dividends Down Under 
  71. DivHut 
  72. Divvy Dad
  73. Done by Forty
  74. Drip Til Rich
  75. Happy Healthy and Wealthy Girl
  76. Harvesting Dividends
  77. Income Surfer
  78. Investing Pursuits 
  79. Investment Hunting 
  80. It Pays Dividends 
  81. I Want to Retire Soon
  82. FI Fighter
  83. Financial Freedom Dividend 
  84. Financial Freedom to the Divorced People
  85. Financially Free by 40 
  86. Financially Integrated  
  87. Forward Dividends
  88. Get Financially Integrated!
  89. Little Dividends 
  90. Millennial Dividends
  91. Mr. Free at 33
  92. MoneyMaaster
  93. More Dividends
  94. My Dividend Dynasty
  95. My Dividend Pipeline 
  96. New to Dividends 
  97. Passive Canadian Income
  98. Passive Income Dude
  99. Passive Income Mavericks 
  100. Passive Income Pursuit
  101. PolliesDividend
  102. Race2Retirement 
  103. Retire Before Dad 
  104. Roadmap2Retire
  105. Seeking the Dividends
  106. Simple Dividend Growth
  107. Simply Safe Dividends 
  108. Sure Dividend 
  109. Tawcan 
  110. The Broke Dividend Investor
  111. The Compound Investor
  112. The Conservative Income Investor
  113. The Dividend Guy
  114. The Dividend Life
  115. The Dividend Pig
  116. The DIV-Net 
  117. The Expat Investor 
  118. The Intelligent Investor Blog
  119. The Passive Income Earner
  120. Twin Dividends 
  121. Two Investing 
  122. Wallet Engineers 
  123. Wallet Squirrel
  124. Young Dividend
  125. Zero to Zeros 

Money & Personal Finance

  1. 1500 days
  2. Attract Your Development
  3. Budgets are Sexy
  4. Cashville Skyline
  5. Eat Drink and Save Money
  6. Finance, Frugality and Student Life
  7. Financial Samurai
  8. Finance Wand
  9. Frugalwoods
  10. Hello Suckers
  11. Johnny Money Seed
  12. Leighs Financial Journey
  13. Living Free 
  14. Market Realist
  15. Million Dollar Journey
  16. Money Smart Guides
  17. My Own Advisor
  18. My Stock Fox
  19. Retire Happy
  20. Rockstar Finance
  21. Save Invest Give 
  22. Stock Ideas
  23. Stock Trades
  24. The Frugal Girl 
  25. Young And Thrifty


  1. Hi there! My forward looking dividends are about $200. My portfolio value right now is about $4,800.

    Thanks for including me on your list!
    Wallet Engineer

    1. You are welcome Wallet Engineers....keep growing those dividends! :) AFFJ

  2. Time to update for a 2015 estimated dividend income. This is a great page!

    1. DivHut - I just updated your est. dividend income and hope to get to others sometime this week. Glad you like it DivHit...I thought I'd add a little extra touch to my blogroll. :)

      To all - In case I fall behind on my updates, please feel free to leave me a message with your updated dividend income. Thanks. AFFJ

  3. Thanks for including me here! My updated annual dividend is now $3700. Johnny still hasn't gotten around to posting his portfolio yet...I'll have to get him to work on that! :)

    1. You're welcome Scott. Way to grow those dividends!!

      I have updated your annual dividends. Thanks for the message. Send me message if or when Johnny updates his portfolio. :)


  4. Thanks for the add. I am happy to be on your blogroll

    1. I just returned the favor. By Virtue of your blog name and the fact that I list from A to Z, your blog is on top :-)

    2. You're welcome Dividend Dreams...Sorry it took so long, there were a few similar names out there so I hadn't realized I had missed you.

      Thanks for the add as well - especially since we are at the top! ;) AFFJ

  5. Replies
    1. You're welcome Adam...looking forward to following you on your personal finance journey towards FI. AFFJ

  6. Like the awesome list, especially the dividends! I've added you on my blog, AFFJ!

    1. Thanks for adding us to your blog. Hope you've noticed we've done the same. :) AFFJ

  7. Hi AFFJ - Can you do me a favor and update my URL to

    Lucky me, I had a trademarked name and I am being forced to switch sites. Dividend Dreams will be shutdown by the end of this week. Thanks

    1. Sorry to hear...we just updated our blogroll to Sorry it took a bit for us to respond and update. Best wishes. AFFJ

  8. Hello AFFJ

    Can you add me also to your blogroll?

    Thanks in advance.

    Sharon - Divorvcedff

    1. Sorry for the late reply but you're officially added to our blogroll. :) AFFJ

  9. Hey AFFJ,

    Can you add me and my brother to your blogroll?

    We're just starting off and would love to gain a following through your connections.

    Thank you,
    Nic + Dan,

  10. HI!

    Could you help me get some traffic to my new started economy blog and share it on your blogroll?

    Have a nice day!


  11. AFFJ,

    Which are your favorite sites on the list? I went through a couple and I noticed they have been updated in over a year.


    1. Sorry, I meant they have *not been updated in a year.

    2. Peter,

      I follow and therefore like a few blogs, but if I had to pick my favorites, I'd have to say Roadmap 2 Retire, Passive Income Pursuit, Div4Son, Dividend Hawk, Dividend Diplomats, Sure Dividend, Tawcan, I Want to Retire Soon, and Dividend Growth Stocks.

    3. Thank you. Right now I actively follow Passive Income Pursuit and yours. You both have great blogs. I will check out these other blogs.

      It is really refreshing to meet other people that utilize dgi type styles. I'm sorry it took me so long to find them!

      I really like your collection of stock purchases. I am in the process of trying to understand financial reports so I have been trying to find stock analysis tools that focuses on comparing finances.
      I am naturally a collector also so I have been collecting alot of duds!

  12. Hey AFFJ, we really appreciate that we're on your (impressive) blogroll. Would it be possible to change our URL on here and your stock purchases page to ? As it has the free one on there.

    Tristan & Jasmin

    1. Tristan and Jasmin - I've updated the link here. Thank you for your ongoing contributions to the DGI community! :)


  13. Hey AFFJ,

    You've got an impressive list! I'm glad I found your site. Would you mind adding my site? It's I'd be sure to return the favor. Let me know!


    1. Thank you for stopping by. I've added you to our blogroll and would appreciate same. Thanks in advance. AFFJ

  14. Hi AFFJ,

    Enjoy following your journey. I wondered whether you wouldn't mind considering my own site for your blogroll? Either way I've added you to mine.

    Many thanks.

    1. Sorry for the delay, we just added your blog to the blogroll. AFFJ

  15. Hello AFFJ,

    I've recently started a blog and I wonder if you could add my blog to your blogroll? I'll create a blogroll and add yours to mine. Thank you.

    1. We just added you to the blogroll. Thanks in advance for adding our blog to your blogroll in return. AFFJ

  16. Fantastic list of blogs. Sorry, I'm going to shamelessly plug my own:

    1. mine too please

  17. Awesome list of bloggers. I have added you to mine. Feel free to add mine as well if you would like.

  18. Hey AFFJ,
    I was poking around your site, reading your great content, and I saw you had a cool resources page.

    Just wanted to give you a heads-up that is no longer active, so you can take it off your list.

    And, I wanted to ask if you can add my site to your list aswell?

    Talk soon!


  19. Let me know if you are interested in exchanging links on our blogrolls.


  20. Hi AFFJ,

    Enjoy following your cool journey. I wondered whether you wouldn't mind considering my own site for your blogroll?

    Many thanks.

  21. Wow great collection of blogs! Just found yours and have to say you guys are doing great! Keep up the good work!

    I was wondering if you could also add my blog to your list?

    Check it out and let me know what you think!

  22. Great collection of names - I'm going to have to go through a bunch of these.

    If you don't mind adding a Canadian perspective to your list - i'd appreciate it.


  23. Hey! Hope your week is going well.

    Just going to be short and sweet here. I run an investing website called Stocktrades. We currently have around half a million viewers a year and a subscriber base of over 4200 people!

    I'd love to be included in your blogroll. We focus on a wide variety of investing topics. Anything from learning how to buy stocks to the best stocks in a specific sector( which are some of the best on the net today by the way!) I feel we would be a great benefit to your audience, especially those looking to invest.

    Let me know. If you'd like, I could queue you up a newsletter shout out or you could possibly write us a guest post!

    Hope you have a good weekend.

    One more thing! I notice you've got a dead links on your page when I was checking it out!

    Your Page:



    1. Thanks Dylan. I've added Stocktrades to our blogroll. I've also updated or otherwise deleted the dead links mentioned. Appreciate the message.


  24. Hi AFFJ

    Thanks for writting and for a good blog ;)
    I would be very glad if I could be visible on your site
    I will ofcourse put your on my blogroll. Iam just finising tha last things on my website.

    Greetings from Sweden

  25. Hi AFFJ

    Thanks for writting and for a good blog ;)
    I would be very glad if I could be visible on your site
    I will ofcourse put your on my blogroll. Iam just finising tha last things on my website.

    Greetings from Sweden

  26. Hi AFFJ,

    Even since we have been online since 2009, I have just gotten around to making a blogroll for awesome dividend oriented blogs like yours. I have included you at

    Please consider adding Value Stock Guide ( to your list under Money & Personal Finance (since we are primarily a value investing site).

    Thank you so much!
    Shailesh Kumar

  27. Hey AFFJ, just requesting to be placed on the blog roll and on the RTS feed as well. You're on my blog roll by the way, under my resources page.

  28. Fantastic list of dividend investing blogs. I would be honored to be added to the list:

  29. Hi,

    I like your blog, I found quite some exciting content. As someone that just started blogging, it inspires me the fact that you have been doing it for 5 years already!

    I have just started my blog on personal finances. I will be glad if you could take the time to have a look at it, and provide any feedback that you might have to someone that is just starting

    I also happen to notice a few broken links in your Blogroll. I kindly suggest you fix them whenever you have the chance. You could also add my blog to the list if you think I make the cut.

    Keep it up, all the best and thanks in advance!


  30. Wow super awesome blogroll! It's a really great resource for people like me who want to start investing in dividend stocks! Thanks :)

  31. Really awesome. I'd recommend it's one of the prime Canadian personal finance blogs and has a ton of posts dealing with dividend investing.
